Backend is the consensus backend identifier.
ChainContext is the chain domain separation context.
Features are the indicated consensus backend features.
GenesisHash is the hash of the genesis block.
GenesisHeight is the height of the genesis block.
IsValidator returns whether the current node is part of the validator set.
LastRetainedHash is the hash of the oldest retained block.
LastRetainedHeight is the height of the oldest retained block.
LatestEpoch is the epoch of the latest block.
LatestHash is the hash of the latest block.
LatestHeight is the height of the latest block.
LatestStateRoot is the Merkle root of the consensus state tree.
LatestTime is the timestamp of the latest block.
p2pP2P is the P2P status of the node.
Status is an concise status of the consensus backend.
Version is the version of the consensus protocol that the node is using.
Status is the current status overview.