allow_AllowProposalMetadata is true iff proposals are allowed to contain metadata.
allow_AllowVoteWithoutEntity is true iff casting votes without a registered entity is allowed.
enable_EnableChangeParametersProposal is true iff change parameters proposals are allowed.
gas_GasCosts are the governance transaction gas costs.
min_MinProposalDeposit is the number of base units that are deposited when creating a new proposal.
stake_StakeThreshold is the minimum percentage of VoteYes votes in terms of total voting power when the proposal expires in order for a proposal to be accepted. This value has a lower bound of 67.
upgrade_UpgradeCancelMinEpochDiff is the minimum number of epochs between the current epoch and the proposed upgrade epoch for the upgrade cancellation proposal to be valid.
upgrade_UpgradeMinEpochDiff is the minimum number of epochs between the current epoch and the proposed upgrade epoch for the upgrade proposal to be valid. This is also the minimum number of epochs between two pending upgrades.
voting_VotingPeriod is the number of epochs after which the voting for a proposal is closed and the votes are tallied.
ConsensusParameters are the governance consensus parameters.