Interface KeyManagerSecretsEnclavePolicySGX

EnclavePolicySGX is the per-SGX key manager enclave ID access control policy.

interface KeyManagerSecretsEnclavePolicySGX {
    may_query: Map<Uint8Array, SGXEnclaveIdentity[]>;
    may_replicate: SGXEnclaveIdentity[];


may_query: Map<Uint8Array, SGXEnclaveIdentity[]>

MayQuery is the map of runtime IDs to the vector of enclave IDs that may query private key material.

TODO: This could be made more sophisticated and seggregate based on contract ID as well, but for now punt on the added complexity.

may_replicate: SGXEnclaveIdentity[]

MayReplicate is the vector of enclave IDs that may retrieve the master secret (Note: Each enclave ID may always implicitly replicate from other instances of itself).