Interface KeyManagerSecretsStatus

Status is the current key manager status.

interface KeyManagerSecretsStatus {
    checksum: Uint8Array;
    generation?: longnum;
    id: Uint8Array;
    is_initialized: boolean;
    is_secure: boolean;
    nodes: Uint8Array[];
    policy: KeyManagerSecretsSignedPolicySGX;
    rotation_epoch?: longnum;
    rsk?: Uint8Array;


checksum: Uint8Array

Checksum is the key manager master secret verification checksum.

generation?: longnum

Generation is the generation of the latest master secret.

id: Uint8Array

ID is the runtime ID of the key manager.

is_initialized: boolean

IsInitialized is true iff the key manager is done initializing.

is_secure: boolean

IsSecure is true iff the key manager is secure.

nodes: Uint8Array[]

Nodes is the list of currently active key manager node IDs.

Policy is the key manager policy.

rotation_epoch?: longnum

RotationEpoch is the epoch of the last master secret rotation.

rsk?: Uint8Array

RSK is the runtime signing key of the key manager.