Node represents public connectivity information about an Oasis node.

interface Node {
    consensus: NodeConsensusInfo;
    entity_id: Uint8Array;
    expiration: longnum;
    id: Uint8Array;
    p2p: NodeP2PInfo;
    roles: number;
    runtimes: NodeRuntime[];
    software_version?: string;
    tls: NodeTLSInfo;
    v: number;
    vrf: NodeVRFInfo;

Hierarchy (view full)


Consensus contains information for connecting to this node as a consensus member.

entity_id: Uint8Array

EntityID is the public key identifying the Entity controlling the node.

expiration: longnum

Expiration is the epoch in which this node's commitment expires.

id: Uint8Array

ID is the public key identifying the node.

P2P contains information for connecting to this node via P2P.

roles: number

Roles is a bitmask representing the node roles.

runtimes: NodeRuntime[]

Runtimes are the node's runtimes.

software_version?: string

SoftwareVersion is the node's oasis-node software version.

TLS contains information for connecting to this node via TLS.

v: number

VRF contains information for this node's participation in VRF based elections.