SubmitMsg is the argument set for the SubmitMsg method.

interface RootHashSubmitMsg {
    data?: Uint8Array;
    fee?: Uint8Array;
    id: Uint8Array;
    tag?: longnum;
    tokens?: Uint8Array;



data?: Uint8Array

Data is arbitrary runtime-dependent data.

fee?: Uint8Array

Fee is the fee sent into the runtime as part of the message being sent. The fee is transferred before the message is processed by the runtime.

id: Uint8Array

ID is the destination runtime ID.

tag?: longnum

Tag is an optional tag provided by the caller which is ignored and can be used to match processed incoming message events later.

tokens?: Uint8Array

Tokens are any tokens sent into the runtime as part of the message being sent. The tokens are transferred before the message is processed by the runtime.