Interface StakingCommissionScheduleRules

CommissionScheduleRules controls how commission schedule rates and rate bounds are allowed to be changed.

interface StakingCommissionScheduleRules {
    max_bound_steps?: number;
    max_rate_steps?: number;
    min_commission_rate: Uint8Array;
    rate_bound_lead?: longnum;
    rate_change_interval?: longnum;


max_bound_steps?: number

Maximum number of commission rate bound steps a commission schedule can specify.

max_rate_steps?: number

Maximum number of commission rate steps a commission schedule can specify.

min_commission_rate: Uint8Array

MinCommissionRate is the minimum commission rate an account can configure. The rate is obtained by dividing this value with the CommissionRateDenominator.

rate_bound_lead?: longnum

Number of epochs a commission rate bound change must specified in advance.

rate_change_interval?: longnum

Epoch period when commission rates are allowed to be changed (e.g. setting it to 3 means they can be changed every third epoch).