Interface WorkerCommonLivenessStatus

LivenessStatus is the liveness status for the current epoch.

interface WorkerCommonLivenessStatus {
    finalized_proposals: longnum;
    live_rounds: longnum;
    missed_proposals: longnum;
    total_rounds: longnum;


finalized_proposals: longnum

FinalizedProposals is the number of finalized rounds when a node acted as a proposer with the highest rank.

live_rounds: longnum

LiveRounds is the number of rounds in which the node positively contributed.

missed_proposals: longnum

MissedProposals is the number of failed rounds when a node acted as a proposer with the highest rank.

total_rounds: longnum

TotalRounds is the total number of rounds in the last epoch, excluding any rounds generated by the roothash service itself.