pub trait API {
Show 20 methods // Required methods fn transfer( from: Address, to: Address, amount: &BaseUnits ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn transfer_silent( from: Address, to: Address, amount: &BaseUnits ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn mint(to: Address, amount: &BaseUnits) -> Result<(), Error>; fn burn(from: Address, amount: &BaseUnits) -> Result<(), Error>; fn set_nonce(address: Address, nonce: u64); fn get_nonce(address: Address) -> Result<u64, Error>; fn inc_nonce(address: Address); fn set_balance(address: Address, amount: &BaseUnits); fn get_balance( address: Address, denomination: Denomination ) -> Result<u128, Error>; fn get_balances(address: Address) -> Result<AccountBalances, Error>; fn get_addresses(denomination: Denomination) -> Result<Vec<Address>, Error>; fn get_total_supplies() -> Result<BTreeMap<Denomination, u128>, Error>; fn set_total_supply(amount: &BaseUnits); fn get_denomination_info( denomination: &Denomination ) -> Result<DenominationInfo, Error>; fn charge_tx_fee(from: Address, amount: &BaseUnits) -> Result<(), Error>; fn set_refund_unused_tx_fee(refund: bool); fn take_refund_unused_tx_fee() -> bool; fn check_signer_nonces<C: Context>( ctx: &C, tx_auth_info: &AuthInfo ) -> Result<Address, Error>; fn update_signer_nonces<C: Context>( ctx: &C, tx_auth_info: &AuthInfo ) -> Result<(), Error>; // Provided method fn ensure_balance(address: Address, amount: &BaseUnits) -> Result<(), Error> { ... }
Expand description

Interface that can be called from other modules.

Required Methods§


fn transfer(from: Address, to: Address, amount: &BaseUnits) -> Result<(), Error>

Transfer an amount from one account to the other.


fn transfer_silent( from: Address, to: Address, amount: &BaseUnits ) -> Result<(), Error>

Transfer an amount from one account to the other without emitting an event.


fn mint(to: Address, amount: &BaseUnits) -> Result<(), Error>

Mint new tokens, increasing the total supply.


fn burn(from: Address, amount: &BaseUnits) -> Result<(), Error>

Burn existing tokens, decreasing the total supply.


fn set_nonce(address: Address, nonce: u64)

Sets an account’s nonce.


fn get_nonce(address: Address) -> Result<u64, Error>

Fetch an account’s current nonce.


fn inc_nonce(address: Address)

Increments an account’s nonce.


fn set_balance(address: Address, amount: &BaseUnits)

Sets an account’s balance of the given denomination.


This method is dangerous as it can result in invariant violations.


fn get_balance( address: Address, denomination: Denomination ) -> Result<u128, Error>

Fetch an account’s balance of the given denomination.


fn get_balances(address: Address) -> Result<AccountBalances, Error>

Fetch an account’s current balances.


fn get_addresses(denomination: Denomination) -> Result<Vec<Address>, Error>

Fetch addresses.


fn get_total_supplies() -> Result<BTreeMap<Denomination, u128>, Error>

Fetch total supplies.


fn set_total_supply(amount: &BaseUnits)

Sets the total supply for the given denomination.


This method is dangerous as it can result in invariant violations.


fn get_denomination_info( denomination: &Denomination ) -> Result<DenominationInfo, Error>

Fetch information about a denomination.


fn charge_tx_fee(from: Address, amount: &BaseUnits) -> Result<(), Error>

Moves the amount into the per-transaction fee accumulator.


fn set_refund_unused_tx_fee(refund: bool)

Indicates that the unused portion of the transaction fee should be refunded after the transaction completes (even in case it fails).


fn take_refund_unused_tx_fee() -> bool

Take the flag indicating that the unused portion of the transaction fee should be refunded after the transaction completes is set.

After calling this method the flag is reset to false.


fn check_signer_nonces<C: Context>( ctx: &C, tx_auth_info: &AuthInfo ) -> Result<Address, Error>

Check transaction signer account nonces. Return payer address.


fn update_signer_nonces<C: Context>( ctx: &C, tx_auth_info: &AuthInfo ) -> Result<(), Error>

Update transaction signer account nonces.

Provided Methods§


fn ensure_balance(address: Address, amount: &BaseUnits) -> Result<(), Error>

Ensures that the given account has at least the specified balance.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
