Admission policy that allows any node to register.
Represents a node’s capabilities.
Represents the node’s TEE capability.
Represents a consensus address that includes an ID and a TCP address.
Node’s consensus member information.
An endorsed CapabilityTEE structure.
Entity whitelist configuration.
A per-role entity whitelist policy.
A per-entity whitelist configuration for a given role.
Policy that allows only whitelisted entities’ nodes to register.
Parameters for the executor committee.
A constraint which specifies that only the given number of nodes may be eligible per entity.
A constraint which specifies the minimum required candidate pool size.
Node registry descriptor.
Represents the runtimes supported by a given Oasis node.
Node’s P2P information.
A per-role admission policy.
Oasis node roles bitmask.
Specification of which nodes are allowed to register for a runtime.
Runtime genesis information that is used to initialize runtime state in the first block.
Stake-related parameters for a runtime.
The node scheduling constraints.
Storage parameters.
Represents the address of a TCP endpoint.
Represents an Oasis committee address that includes a TLS public key and a TCP address.
Node’s TLS information.
Parameters for the runtime transaction scheduler.
Contains information for this node’s participation in VRF based elections.
A constraint which specifies that the entity must have a node that is part of the validator set.
No other options can currently be specified.
Verified remote attestation.
A verified endorsed CapabilityTEE structure.
Per-runtime version information.