Interface KeyManagerCHURPCreateRequest

CreateRequest contains the initial configuration.

interface KeyManagerCHURPCreateRequest {
    extra_shares?: number;
    handoff_interval?: longnum;
    id: number;
    policy?: KeyManagerCHURPSignedPolicySGX;
    runtime_id: Uint8Array;
    suite_id?: number;
    threshold?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


extra_shares?: number

ExtraShares represents the minimum number of shares that can be lost to render the secret unrecoverable.

handoff_interval?: longnum

HandoffInterval is the time interval in epochs between handoffs.

A zero value disables handoffs.

id: number

ID is a unique CHURP identifier within the key manager runtime.

Policy is a signed SGX access control policy.

runtime_id: Uint8Array

RuntimeID is the identifier of the key manager runtime.

suite_id?: number

SuiteID is the identifier of a cipher suite used for verifiable secret sharing and key derivation.

threshold?: number

Threshold is the minimum number of distinct shares required to reconstruct a key.