Interface KeyManagerSecretsPolicySGX

PolicySGX is a key manager access control policy for the replicated SGX key manager.

interface KeyManagerSecretsPolicySGX {
    enclaves: Map<SGXEnclaveIdentity, KeyManagerSecretsEnclavePolicySGX>;
    id: Uint8Array;
    master_secret_rotation_interval?: longnum;
    max_ephemeral_secret_age?: longnum;
    serial: number;


Enclaves is the per-key manager enclave ID access control policy.

id: Uint8Array

ID is the runtime ID that this policy is valid for.

master_secret_rotation_interval?: longnum

MasterSecretRotationInterval is the time interval in epochs between master secret rotations. Zero disables rotations.

max_ephemeral_secret_age?: longnum

MaxEphemeralSecretAge is the maximum age of an ephemeral secret in the number of epochs.

serial: number

Serial is the monotonically increasing policy serial number.