Genesis is the initial staking state for use in the genesis block.

interface StakingGenesis {
    common_pool: Uint8Array;
    debonding_delegations?: Map<Uint8Array, Map<Uint8Array, StakingDebondingDelegation[]>>;
    delegations?: Map<Uint8Array, Map<Uint8Array, StakingDelegation>>;
    governance_deposits: Uint8Array;
    last_block_fees: Uint8Array;
    ledger?: Map<Uint8Array, StakingAccount>;
    params: StakingConsensusParameters;
    token_symbol: string;
    token_value_exponent: number;
    total_supply: Uint8Array;


common_pool: Uint8Array

CommonPool is the network's common stake pool.

debonding_delegations?: Map<Uint8Array, Map<Uint8Array, StakingDebondingDelegation[]>>

DebondingDelegations is a nested map of staking delegations of the form: DEBONDING-DELEGATEE-ACCOUNT-ADDRESS: DEBONDING-DELEGATOR-ACCOUNT-ADDRESS: list of DEBONDING-DELEGATIONs.

delegations?: Map<Uint8Array, Map<Uint8Array, StakingDelegation>>

Delegations is a nested map of staking delegations of the form: DELEGATEE-ACCOUNT-ADDRESS: DELEGATOR-ACCOUNT-ADDRESS: DELEGATION.

governance_deposits: Uint8Array

GovernanceDeposits are network's governance deposits.

last_block_fees: Uint8Array

LastBlockFees are the collected fees for previous block.

ledger?: Map<Uint8Array, StakingAccount>

Ledger is a map of staking accounts.

Parameters are the staking consensus parameters.

token_symbol: string

TokenSymbol is the token's ticker symbol. Only upper case A-Z characters are allowed.

token_value_exponent: number

TokenValueExponent is the token's value base-10 exponent, i.e. 1 token = 10**TokenValueExponent base units.

total_supply: Uint8Array

TokenSupply is the network's total amount of stake in base units.