Runtime represents a runtime.

interface RegistryRuntime {
    admission_policy: RegistryRuntimeAdmissionPolicy;
    constraints?: Map<number, Map<number, RegistrySchedulingConstraints>>;
    deployments?: RegistryVersionInfo[];
    entity_id: Uint8Array;
    executor?: RegistryExecutorParameters;
    genesis: RegistryRuntimeGenesis;
    governance_model: number;
    id: Uint8Array;
    key_manager?: Uint8Array;
    kind: number;
    staking?: RegistryRuntimeStakingParameters;
    storage?: RegistryStorageParameters;
    tee_hardware: number;
    txn_scheduler?: RegistryTxnSchedulerParameters;
    v: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


AdmissionPolicy sets which nodes are allowed to register for this runtime. This policy applies to all roles.

constraints?: Map<number, Map<number, RegistrySchedulingConstraints>>

Constraints are the node scheduling constraints.

deployments?: RegistryVersionInfo[]

Deployments specifies the runtime deployments (versions).

entity_id: Uint8Array

EntityID is the public key identifying the Entity controlling the runtime.

Executor stores parameters of the executor committee.

Genesis is the runtime genesis information.

governance_model: number

GovernanceModel specifies the runtime governance model.

id: Uint8Array

ID is a globally unique long term identifier of the runtime.

key_manager?: Uint8Array

KeyManager is the key manager runtime ID for this runtime.

kind: number

Kind is the type of runtime.

Staking stores the runtime's staking-related parameters.

Storage stores parameters of the storage committee.

tee_hardware: number

TEEHardware specifies the runtime's TEE hardware requirements.

TxnScheduler stores transaction scheduling parameters of the executor committee.

v: number