Committee contains the runtime worker status in case this node is a (candidate) member of a runtime committee.
Descriptor is the runtime registration descriptor.
executorExecutor contains the executor worker status in case this node is an executor node.
GenesisHash is the hash of the genesis runtime block.
GenesisRound is the round of the genesis runtime block.
LastRetainedHash is the hash of the oldest retained block.
LastRetainedRound is the round of the oldest retained block.
LatestHash is the hash of the latest runtime block.
LatestRound is the round of the latest runtime block.
LatestStateRoot is the Merkle root of the runtime state tree.
LatestTime is the timestamp of the latest runtime block.
provisionerProvisioner is the name of the runtime provisioner.
storageStorage contains the storage worker status in case this node is a storage node.
RuntimeStatus is the per-runtime status overview.