Genesis is the registry genesis state.

interface RegistryGenesis {
    entities?: SignatureSigned[];
    node_statuses?: Map<Uint8Array, RegistryNodeStatus>;
    nodes?: SignatureMultiSigned[];
    params: RegistryConsensusParameters;
    runtimes?: RegistryRuntime[];
    suspended_runtimes?: RegistryRuntime[];


entities?: SignatureSigned[]

Entities is the initial list of entities.

node_statuses?: Map<Uint8Array, RegistryNodeStatus>

NodeStatuses is a set of node statuses.

Nodes is the initial list of nodes.

Parameters are the registry consensus parameters.

runtimes?: RegistryRuntime[]

Runtimes is the initial list of runtimes.

suspended_runtimes?: RegistryRuntime[]

SuspendedRuntimes is the list of suspended runtimes.